18 January 2017, 09.30-11.00, Macmillan Room, Portcullis House
The APPG on Poverty and the End Child Poverty Coalition are delighted to host this important seminar on the impact of rising prices and reducing family income.
January can be a financial challenge for all of us, but for families on a low income it is especially hard. With little money coming in, financial support such as Child Benefit can be a lifeline for families living in poverty. But what is the impact of the Government’s current benefit freeze on these families?
In addition to the current freeze on children’s benefits, the ‘poverty premium’ means that low-income families are often forced to pay more for basic essentials, like heating the house with expensive pre-payment meters or buying white goods through high interest rent-to-own companies.
This seminar will outline new research into the impact on families of the benefit freeze and discuss what elements of the poverty premium most affect families today, as well as what both Government and business can do to support families with increasing costs.
Chair: Neil Gray, MP for Aidrie & Shotts & Vice Chair of APPG on Poverty
- Dr Sam Royston, Director of Research and Policy, The Children’s Society, and Chair of End Child Poverty
- Baroness Claire Tyler, Chair of the House of Lords Financial Exclusion Committee & President of the National Children’s Bureau
- Dr Kingsley Purdam, Senior Lecturer focusing on civic society, citizen involvement and policy making, University of Manchester
- Stephen “Professor Green” Manderson, musician and presenter. Stephen will be joined by a young person with whom he is making a BBC3 documentary exploring why increasing numbers of children in Britain are growing up in poverty
The seminar will be followed by Q&A
Join us as we debate this vital topic and take forward End Child Poverty’s work in this area. #FeelingThePinch
Wednesday 18 January 2017 – 09.30-11.00 – Macmillan Room, Portcullis House
Please arrive at the Houses of Parliament by 09.15 in order to clear security. You may be asked for ID. Information about visiting Parliament can be found here.
Notice of Filming: This event is being filmed as part of a documentary on child poverty which will be broadcast on BBC3. By attending, you acknowledge that you have been informed that you might be filmed and you grant permission for your likeness and voice to be included therein without compensation, credit or other consideration. If you do not wish to be filmed, recorded, or appear under these conditions, you should inform the organisers in advance. Thank you for your co-operation.