Poverty Ends Now – anti poverty manifesto written by young people
Posted on 02 Mar 2015 under Children's Voices, News, Latest News, Previous Publications
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty has been working with Children North East and Rys Farthing from Oxford University to produce a Children’s Manifesto and action plan on poverty.
Young people from the North East, London, Manchester and Liverpool who were already actively involved in tackling child poverty came together to form a national group which they named PEN – Poverty Ends Now.
The group met over several residentials to produce a six point Children’s Manifesto on Poverty that was launched in Parliament at the end of 2014.
View the Children’s Manifesto on Poverty
The six points of the PEN manifesto are:
- Every family in Britain should meet a minimum standard of living, not just surviving
- An equal school experience for all
- Affordable, decent homes for everyone
- Every young person should have access to three affordable, healthy meals a day
For all to feel and be safe within their communities and at home
- Make sure all young people have affordable transport everywhere
PEN are also working on taking action at a local level within their own cities:
- Decent Incomes – Liverpool: play and community discussion during National Living Wage Week
- Equal Schools – North East: Local evidence session in Darlington 28th November 2014.
- Housing – London: parliamentary evidence session
- Food – Gateshead Youth Assembly: holiday hunger activities
- Feel Safe – Manchester: Walking tour and Question Time with decision makers
- Transport – Newcastle Youth Council: distributing discount cards across secondary schools
For further information about the North East contact Sara Bryson [email protected] 0191 256 2444
For London, Manchester, Liverpool contact Rys Farthing Barnett House Fellow at Oxford University, on [email protected] or 07769 910535